Single Security Solutions for Multiple Missions.

Jul 15, 2024

If you manage multiple laptops with different security levels, then you’ll know it’s a huge undertaking! Beyond the financial implications, managing these devices is a big drain on your time, resources and security. Here at ExactTrak, our mission is to simplify your security whilst strengthening it – without significant costs…

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Digital Security By Design

Jun 20, 2024

We’re delighted to join Digital Catapult’s Digital Security by Design (DSbD) programme – DSbD’s Technology Access Programme (TAP) – to trail pioneering new cyber security solutions.

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Locking down the cyber security industry by 2025 with DORA

Jun 04, 2024

As financial institutions become more and more reliant on digital systems, the threats they face from cyber criminals are only getting more frequent – and more sophisticated. DORA’s legislature is designed to enhance the operational resilience of these institutions, protecting them from threats now, and in the future.

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Working remote from home? Don’t let security become a nightmare!

May 13, 2024

Remote working has fast become the norm, and with it, less than ideal security practices. You’ve set up extensive remote policies, provided awareness training and installed the latest cybersecurity software. But, you’re still finding data leaks…

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Top 5 cyber security threats, and how you can protect yourself against them

Apr 19, 2024

With cases of data theft, attacks on the supply chain and costly ransomware rising daily, you can’t afford to ignore the need to protect your business against cyber security threats. These are ExactTrak’s 5 ‘trending’ threats and how you can protect yourself against them…

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Mission Possible: ExactTrak secures £1 million investment to fix a gap in cybersecurity

Feb 23, 2024

ExactTrak, a leading player in UK cybersecurity who recently secured a UK Government contract, has successfully raised £1 million - including a £500,000 investment from UKI2S’s £18m MOD-backed defence & security seed (D2S) fund alongside several angel investors including major existing backers.

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Single Security Solutions for Multiple Missions.

SmartSafe embedded; steps ahead of software.


If you manage multiple laptops with different security levels, then you’ll know it’s a huge undertaking! Beyond the financial implications, managing these devices is a big drain on your time, resources and security. Here at ExactTrak, our mission is to simplify your security whilst strengthening it – without significant costs…

multiple laptops are difficult to make secure - you only need 1 with exacttrak

One person, multiple devices.


With flexible working fast becoming the norm – whether that’s at home, when travelling or in the office – having secure device access is a non negotiable. 


For instance, many government departments issue multiple laptops to the same individuals to allow them to operate in varying security levels on the go. With a variety of different systems images and operating systems, as well as some with cameras or microphones that must be disabled or physically removed, managing these devices is costly and time consuming;


  • For those managing devices, the purchase and modification of multiple laptops (in order to protect and manage valuable data) makes for costly acquisition – it’s often two to four times as much as it should be.   


  • For device users, there’s a huge margin for human error when it comes to operating the right device at the right time. There’s a whole set of logistical challenges and security risks; from software vulnerabilities to potentially losing or damaging a laptop.


  • And for security agents or those with high-level security jobs, carrying multiple laptops is not just cumbersome, it’s a veritable risk. The possession of multiple devices could identify them as visible targets to malicious threat actors.


One person? One solution – with SmartSafe


With SmartSafe, there’s no need for multiple devices, just a single laptop that can seamlessly transition between security levels. It’s an ‘embedded board’ with its own communications, secure memory and ultra secure management outside of the operating system.


With SmartSafe’s embedded board you can:

  1. Reduce costs by replacing multiple devices with a single laptop.   
  2. Change the characteristics of a laptop based on time and place, or as directed by a unique secure beacon. 
  3. Enable or disable cameras, microphones and Wi-Fi configurations autonomously to meet required security standards.
  4. Integrate the solution with existing laptop models (e.g. Dell 5520s). 
  5. Remotely destroy a device’s memory in case of loss or theft. 
  6. Meet security level requirements without being connected to a central server.
  7. Facilitate secure communication and management.
  8. Use the dedicated secure memory to store sensitive data, encryption standards, communication paths and even separate systems images.


Stringent Security the SmartSafe way.


No one does security like us – unlike data security solutions that rely on software (which are attack vectors) SmartSafe is an embedded solution – more like hardware in the device.


Because it operates outside of the operating system, it makes for a robust security solution for the rapidly developing Quantum World. With specially-designed encryption algorithms, advanced key management protocols and quantum-based random number generators, SmartSafe employs a number of highly effective quantum-proof tools.


With ExactTrak, providing secure device access which offers multiple levels of security is actually Mission: Possible.


Trusted and tested by the UK government, SmartSafe reduces risks, lowers acquisition costs, and simplifies device management so that you can put your time and resources to better use… Safe in the knowledge that your people and data are well secured. 


Get in touch to discuss how SMARTSAFE can secure your devices, your employees, and your organisation.


Reach out today and discover how we do things differently. 

How SmartSafe embedded helps protect against cyber attacks:

People working in office - Cyber protection - ExactTrak

Cyber protection

It’s the only embedded solution that provides security at device level and full integration with your existing security tools, to provide a multi-layered approach to cyber security.

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Person working in coffee shop - Location based security - ExactTrak

Location based security

You can set control policies and manage devices remotely, to prevent data exploitation from AI bots and insecure networks, on the move.

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Person on train using multiple devices - Asset security - ExactTrak

Asset security

Allows you to locate, monitor and control devices, anytime, anywhere – even when the power is off – for round the clock protection.

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Multiple devices staged with SmartSafe embedded solutions - ExactTrak

Whether you’re facing down AI bots, data exploitation or the quantum computers of the near future, one thing is clear; multi-faceted, resilient, agile cyber security should be part of every organisation’s business strategy.

Let SmartSafe back you up.